Chris Pemberton
Chris Pemberton is the owner of Drummers Universe and started out playing drums and percussion in middle school. His father was the High School Band Director and his mother was the premier piano teacher in the region. Wanting to be like his parents, he took private lessons with two graduate student percussionists from Indiana University School of Music and then in High School garnered a coveted student spot with none other than Paul Berns, Principal Percussionist with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Professor of Percussion at Butler University School of Music, where the lessons were conducted. Chris went on to study percussion and music education and music performance at Ball State University School of Music and graduated with a Bachelor of Music Education in 1992. He was offered and accepted a graduate assistantship position at Ball State University School of Music with Dr. Erwin Mueller, Associate Dean and Professor of Percussion. Chris performed with school sponsored traveling percussion groups, the Muncie Symphony Orchestra, the elite BSU Wind Ensemble conducted by Dr. Joseph Scagnoli, Jazz Ensemble, Dixieland Band, and two rock bands over this eight year period, while graduating with a Master of Arts in Music Performance and Music Education. Chris taught High School and Middle school band as Head Band Director in School Districts in Indiana and Texas.Â
In 1999 Chris changed careers and Joined Compaq Computer Corporation and embarked on a career in Information Technology starting out at desktop support technician and rising to the level of Interim CIO at Situs Corporation. During this decade he earned several computer certifications and a second Master’s Degree; an MBA in Strategic Management. Learn more about Chris at www.linkedin.com/in/chrispembertonÂ
At age 38, Chris decided it was time to get behind the drum kit again and joined two bands and founded a third. Those efforts afforded him the opportunity to perform as a warm up band to Nazareth and The Trews at the Mussel Bed Soiree in Lewisport, Newfoundland in 2011 and for Bad Company with Brian Howe at The Hill Country Holler, a biker rally, in April 2013 near Boerne, TX. Chris played in various cover bands in the Houston, TX Bar and Club circuit for several years when he decided to help bring Facebook Drummers, now Drummers Universe, back from the ashes into an amazing premier destination and collaboration venue for Drummers and Percussionists around the world. Chris built the team that supports Drummers Universe and simply could not have grown the group, now a company, without that awesome and dedicated group of drummers and partners.Â
Chris is still married to his bride, Jennifer (Jen) of thirty years and has two children ages 26 and 17, Leah and Gabe. Chris is originally from Columbus, Indiana and lives now with his family and friends just south of Houston, TX near NASA.